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Maasumi Headache & Spine Care


Phone (094) 978-7343
Mobile (094) 978-7343 - Mobile
Address 30212 Tomas, Ste 180 Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688,
Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 United States


Maasumi Headache & Spine Care is an esteemed interventional pain management and neurology clinic in Rancho Santa Margarita, CA, where we prioritize your well-being. We specialize in the treatment and management of several neurological conditions and pain symptoms, from migraines to cluster headaches, traumatic brain injuries, concussion, and chronic medical, surgical, or neurological pain resulting from osteoarthritis, radiculopathy, musculoskeletal conditions, etc. Our clinic takes pride in offering quick appointments to address your concerns promptly, ensuring your comfort if you are looking for a neurologist, headache doctor, or a pain doctor near you.

We also understand the importance of your precious time, so we maintain an average wait time for all your appointments, ensuring minimal delays. Equipped with advanced technology, our clinic stays at the forefront of medical advancements to deliver the highest standard of care every time you walk through our clinic. Moreover, we have partnered with various insurance providers to minimize your financial burden. Our large parking area ensures a stress-free and convenient experience for all our patients.
Looking for a trusted neurologist, headache doctor, or a pain doctor near you in Rancho Santa Margarita and the surrounding areas? Look no further, our nationally recognized neurologist, Dr. KC Maasumi will help you to the best of his abilities. We are located just off the 241 Toll Road at 30212 Tomas, Ste 180, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688, or call our clinic at 949-787-3436.

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