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Mike's Auto Repair & Body Center, Inc.


Phone (818) 763-7669
Mobile (818) 763-7669 - Mobile
Address 11062 Burbank Boulevard,
North Hollywood, CA 91601 United States


For over 25 years, Mike's Auto Center, Inc. has involved itself with the North Hollywood community as well as the neighboring communities such as Studio City, Burbank, Sherman Oaks, Sun Valley and the better part of the San Fernando Valley.
Year after year Mike's built its reputation on pure honesty and hard work, this allowed the company to expand offer more services for his customers. Mike's Auto Center, Inc. built a body shop in 2011 and now offers professional factory like restorations and body repairs.
Mike's Auto Center Inc. believes in quality not quantity, we will go above and beyond all expectations in every single job and stay competitively priced.

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