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Phone (860) 390-5262
Address 276 Butlertown Rd,
Oakdale, CT 06370 United States


GreenTurf specializes in lawn care and fertilization, soil testing, aeration and overseeding, tick control, plant healthcare, and deer repellent. We know how to make your lawn look its best and keep it healthy all year.

Our customized lawn fertilization CT program is the key to a beautiful lawn. We reverse root damage, nourish the soil, and create a healthy, robust lawn from root to tip. In addition to fertilization, we also offer soil testing to ensure that your lawn gets the nutrients it needs. We can also help with aeration and overseeding to ensure your grass is thick and luscious.

No matter what you need, GreenTurf is here to help! Contact us today to learn more about our services or to schedule a consultation.

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